Wednesday 11 October 2023

Flashback #6; First Half of September 2022

Welcome to another attempt to catch up on last years birding highlights in a (probably futile) attempt at logging a whole years birding.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Migrant Happy! September 2-3 2023

Autumn is the time of plenty. Lots of birds, adults that have finished breeding and the juveniles that they've produced, head south to spend the winter in warmer climes where food will still available. Many of those northern breeding birds pass through Britain and in times of easterly airflows numbers of them can be high. Some of those passage migrants are expected every year and for the year lister must be seen to bolster the total. A few of the birds heading south may stopover in inland counties and some of those may be found in Oxfordshire. But to really increase the chances of seeing them, a trip to the east coast, or to a lesser extent the south, is in order. It's ironic that the two main subjects of this blog are birds that I've seen plenty of, but have yet to see either in my home county!